HTV Pressurized Logistics Carrier (PLC)

Percentage of supplies and equipment to be loaded in CTB
Approximately 3.5 metric tons of cargo will be loaded in the PLC. Each supply is packed in the Cargo Transfer Bags (CTBs) respectively, and the bags are stored in the HTV Re-supply Racks (HRRs) or strapped to HRRs. In total, eight HRRs will be loaded in the PLC. The cargo includes the followings:
- Utilization payload
- Aquatic Habitat (AQH)
- JEM-Small Satellite Orbital Deployer (J-SSOD) and five small satellites (CubeSats)
- Re-entry Data Recorder (i-Ball), ReEntry Breakup Recorder (REBR)
- System cargo for the Japanese Experiment Module, Kibo and NASA
- Catalytic Reactor (ORU, a part of water processing system)
- Kibo's coolant water circulation pump
- Japanese space food, beverages, snacks that will be consumed by astronauts
- Commodities and clothes for astronauts

CTBs are available in various sizes


PLC with HRRs and CTBs loaded
HTV Unpressurized Logistics Carrier (ULC)
The HTV Unpressurized Logistics Carrier (ULC) carries 1.1 metric tons of unpressurized cargo to be attached to Kibo's Exposed Facility (EF).

- Multi-mission Consolidated Equipment (MCE)
- NASA's Space Communications and Navigation Testbed (SCAN Testbed)
All photo credit in this page is JAXA unless otherwise noted.