Last Updated: December 27, 2019
- Consolidation data of "Kibo" exposed payloads(SEDA-AP, MAXI, and CALET) derived the total dose on ISS originated by Relativistic Electron Precipitation(REP) events. (December 27, 2019)
- Direct Measurement of the Cosmic-Ray Proton Spectrum from 50 GeV to 10 TeV with the Calorimetric Electron Telescope on the International Space Station (May 13, 2019)
- CALET Gamm-ray observation results are featured in on-line version of The Astrophysical Journal (November 2, 2018)
- "2018 ISS Award for Compelling Results" granted for experiments in JEM "Kibo" at ISS R&D Conference (August 7, 2018)
- CALET succeeds in direct measurements of cosmic-ray electron spectrum up to 4.8 TeV (July 19, 2018)
- The First Detection in Space of 3 TeV Cosmic Ray Electrons in a High-Precision Measurement of the Electron Energy Spectrum by CALET on the International Space Station (November 7, 2017)
- LIGO-detected gravitational-wave events derive from merger of black holes, according to CALET observations (October 10, 2016)
- CALET has succeeded in observing electron precipitation (July 6, 2016)
- [Press Release]CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) aboard the ISS "Kibo" Started the First Direct Electron Observation in Tera Electron Volt Region (October 22, 2015)
- CALET installation completed (August 26, 2015)
- About the cooperation of JAXA and ASI in the development of CALET (June 10, 2013)
- JAXA's Gamma-ray Observation Project "CALET" Enters Development Phase (April 14, 2010)
*All times are Japan Standard Time (JST)