This is an archive of information released in the past. Disclaimer: It may contain broken links or outdated information. Some parts may not function in current web browsers.
ISS TopJAXA Top  sitemap
Photo Album -Before Launch (1)-

Nov. 18. 1999 (EST)
(NASA Johnson Space Center)
Astronaut Mohri in front of mock up for the space shuttle training.

Oct. 19. 1999 (EST)
HDTV Camera Training
(NASA Johnson Space Center)
Astronaut Mohri taking video images by the HDTV

Jul. 28. 1999 (EST)
Crew Equipment Interface Test (CEIT)
(NASA Kennedy Space Center)
In the Orbiter Processing Facility (OPF) Bay 2, under the watchful eyes of a KSC worker (far left) the STS-99 crew look over equipment as part of a Crew Equipment Interface Test (CEIT).
In the Orbiter Processing Facility, STS-99 Mission Specialists Mamoru Mohri (center), who is with the National Space Development Agency (NASDA) of Japan, and Janice Voss (Ph.D.) (right) talk with a KSC worker (left) during a Crew Equipment Interface Test (CEIT).

Jun. 19. 1999 (EST)
SRTM Mission Sequence Test
iNASA Kennedy Space Center SSPF)
In the Space Station Processing Facility, STS-99 crew members inspect the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM),
In the Space Station Processing Facility, the STS-99 crew pose in front of the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission,

May 19.1999 (EST)
Emergency Escape Training
(NASA Johnson Space Center)

May 11,12. 1999 (EST)
SRTM operations simulation
iNASA Jet Propulsion Laboratoryj

Last Updated : May 29, 2001

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