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Space Shuttle Endeavour (STS-99) with six astronauts on board including Japanese astronaut Mamoru Mohri, landed at Kennedy Space Center at 5:23 p.m. Central, after successfully finishing eleven days of flight.

Three-dimensional photograph
(Image obtained by
STS-59 and STS-68)

Astronaut Mohri
Primary mission of STS-99
STS-99 is a Space Shuttle mission of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Its primary purpose is to obtain Earth surface data using equipment called the SRTM. The obtained data will be used to generate a three- dimensional map and two-dimensional map of the Earth's surface as well as for aircraft navigation safety and Earth science research such as floods, soil erosion and land slides.

Astronaut Mohri
Astronaut Mohri will fly for a second time in space, following his flight aboard STS-47 on the Spacelab-J (SL-J) in 1992.
He is now being trained at Johnson Space Center, Kennedy Space Center, and Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA on tasks he will conduct during his second flight.

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