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Chaos, Turbulence and its Transition Process in Marangoni Convection (Marangoni Exp/MEIS)* Series 4, which uses the Fluid Physics Experiment Facility (FPEF) on Kibo, has started.
* Principal Investigator (PI): Koichi Nishino, Professor, Yokohama National University
The MEIS Series 4 started at 7:00 a.m. on Tuesday, September 20, 2011, following a remote checkout of the experiment facility from the Tsukuba Space Center (TKSC).
JAXA's Marangoni convection experiment investigates the change in internal flow of a large liquid bridge made of silicon oil and the change of temperature distributions along with the flow change.
The purpose of this Series 4 experiment is to clarify the transition phenomenon of marangoni convection which is produced inside a liquid bridge with a diameter of 30mm.
Specifically, by increasing temperature gradient and make the convection stronger, various flow patterns will be produced. Careful observation of the flow patterns and the temperature distributions will lead to findings of the vibrational transition condition and the transition process. In addition, each status of marangoni convection will be observed by an intentional separation and reproduction of the liquid bridge.
The MEIS experiment consists of five experiment series. The Series 1 to 3 have been completed until now. The Series 1 focused mainly on the flow inside a silicon oil liquid bridge formed in space. The Series 2 measured the change of flow patterns and flow rate by quantitative measurement. The Series 3 observed the effect of liquid viscosity on flow patterns in a 5 cm diameter liquid bridge. Each data obtained from the experiments is being analyzed.
This Series 4 experiment will continue until December, 2011.
Special Message from Principal Investigator (PI)
Finally the Series 4 experiment has started. This is the last experiment using the liquid bridge with a 3 cm of diameter. All functions of the equipment will be utilized. Continued support of related parties would be very much appreciated.
The liquid bridge (Credit: JAXA/Yokohama National University)
See more details of this experiment: /en/kiboexp/theme/first/marangoni/index.html
*All times are Japan Standard Time (JST)
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