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ISS Astronauts

ISS Astronaut Activity Report, November 2003


This is JAXA's November 2003 primary activity report for Japanese ISS astronauts.

Kibo Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Procedure Development Test No. 5

Testing underway Astronaut Hoshide giving an explanation to the press
Testing underway Astronaut Hoshide giving an explanation to the press

To establish more efficient assembly EVA procedures, we conducted Kibo EVA procedure development test No. 5 (OPS #5) over a week's time in the Weightless Environment Test (WET) Building at Tsukuba Space Center. We confirmed the details, such as the assembly process and EVA astronaut translation, as well as the time needed for these operations.

Astronauts Furukawa and Sumino in control room observing the test Astronauts checking the tools
Astronauts Furukawa and Sumino in control room observing the test Astronauts checking the tools

JAXA astronauts Furukawa, Hoshide and Sumino participated in the test as observers, watching it from the WETS pool and the control room. Astronaut Hoshide gave explanations on the testing to the press on November 19, 2003, while astronaut Wakata conducted the test.

The Fifth Space Class with the ISS

Communicating with the Expedition 8 crew Communicating with the Expedition 8 crew
Communicating with the Expedition 8 crew

"The Fifth Space Class with the ISS" was held at Nankai Broadcasting Hommachi-Kaikan in Matsuyama City and was hosted jointly by Nankai Broadcasting Corporation and JAXA. This was an educational event, allowing 500 children and parents in Matsuyama City the opportunity to have a dialogue with the Expedition 8 crew of the ISS via television downlink. Fifteen of the children had an opportunity to ask questions to the ISS crew.

Astronaut Hoshide gave explanations on the history of space, the ISS, and what it is like to be an astronaut. He then acted as a host during the session between the participants and the ISS astronauts.

Opening of the session Quiz game Photo taking with astronaut Hoshide
Opening of the session Quiz game Photo taking with astronaut Hoshide

Lecture Activities

During the event, Astronaut Furukawa gave a lecture in Kanazawa city entitled "Let's Talk with Astronaut Furukawa! Dream of Outer Space." Four hundred citizens including students and their parents gathered at the venue. The event warmed up as the guest and the participants got together in activities such as quiz tournaments.

A lecture at Niigata University The 47th Symposium on Space Science and Technology
A lecture at Niigata University The 47th Symposium on Space Science and Technology

Astronaut Sumino visited Niigata University and gave a lecture to the faculty of the engineering department. She also lectured at the 47th Symposium on Space Science and Technology held at Toki Messe, Niigata Convention Center. She talked about survival procedures the crew must follow when the shuttle makes an emergency landing during launch or reentry. The participants of both events were amazed and took a strong interest when she mentioned that the crew members must sometimes feed themselves by catching fish using the fishing kit. Astronaut Sumino accepted questions from the audience, such as what they have for meals and what type of training they have on the ISS.

Last Updated: December 24, 2003

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