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| NASDA Daily Report | NASA Status Report |
| Reheasals for Post-Flight Experiment |

NASDA Daily Report

Flight Day 10 (April 26 CDT)

Crew Preparing the VVIS
(rotating chair)@on FD5
The STS-90 crewmembers were awakened at 5:29 a.m.(CDT), and began Flight Day 10 activities.

In the morning an experiment using the Visual Vestibular Investigation System(VVIS) which was developed by ESA was conducted.

After lunch, the crew took the rest of the day off, which was the second time during this mission. Some of the crew members enjoyed talking with their family.

The crew will go to sleep at 9:09 p.m. CDT this evening and receive a wake up call from Mission Control Center(MCC) tomorrow morning at 5:09 a.m.

Status of Japan related experiments

As to Japan related experiments today, MS Hire exchanged data recording magnetic tape of the Vestibular Function Experiment Unit (VFEU). The magnetic tape for recording neural signal is being exchanged twice a day. The neural data has been obtained from the Fish Packages(FPs).

The experiment "Spatial Orientation of the Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex " was conducted using the Visual Vestibular Investigation System (an rotating chair) against two members of the crew. Because it took much time to measure eye movement by the infrared camera, the third round of experiment was canceled. The scientists are going to coordinate the change request to conduct the experiment again tomorrow.

The feeder of the another Rodent Research Animal Holding Facility (RAHF) which was canceled yesterday was exchanged this morning.

Last Updated : April 27, 1998

| NASDA Daily Report | NASA Status Report |
| Reheasals for Post-Flight Experiment |

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