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| Reheasals for Post-Flight Experiment |

NASDA Daily Report

Flight Day 8 (April 24 CDT)

The Lower Body Negative
Pressure device
(in rehearsal)
The STS-90 crew members were awakened at 5:59 a.m. (CDT), and began Flight Day 8 activities.

Today, young rats, which were nine days old at launch, were euthanized and dissected in an experiment to study critical periods in the development of the balance system.
The experiment of the autonomic nervous system - the part of the nervous system that automatically controls functions such as blood pressure was conducted. The purpose of the experiment is to monitor changes taking place in blood pressure control during the flight. The Lower Body Negative Pressure (LBNP) device, which is designed to place stress on the cardiovascular system similar to what is experienced when standing in Earth's gravity environment, was used in this experiment.

The astronauts will go to sleep at 9:39 p.m. tonight and will be awakened at 5:39 a.m. tomorrow morning.

Status of Japan related experiments

Mission Specialist Hire exchanged the data recording magnetic tape of the Vestibular Function Experiment Unit (VFEU). The magnetic tapes for recording neural signals are exchanged twice per day.
The neural data has been obtained from each of the four Fish Packages.
Following yesterday's in-flight maintenance procedure, the VFEU continues to operate in good condition.

After landing, Dr. Shimizu, who is the Principal Investigators of "Development of the Aortic Baroreflex Under Conditions of Microgravity", will receive a part of tissue of young rats which were disserted today.

Last Updated : April 24, 1998

| NASDA Daily Report | NASA Status Report |
| Reheasals for Post-Flight Experiment |

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