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Kibo に関連する映像 1

2014年12月15日 掲載
再生時間: 4m46s

Participating in the International Space Station program was a challenge towards a tremendous dream for Japan, which was still lagging behind in the field of manned space exploration. Since then, Japan has made giant strides over the span of twenty years and has grown to become an indispensable figure today in the same field. And now, a new challenge has started towards a future which lies beyond the realm of hope.
Dreams will create new possibilities.
Possibilities will transform into reality.
This story is dedicated to all ambitious men and women in pursue of their dreams.

ビデオライブラリをご覧になるには、Windows Media® Player、Adobe®Flash® Player最新版のいずれか必要です。最新版を以下のリンクからダウンロードしてください。

Windows Media Player を入手する  Adobe Flash Player を入手する

Copyright 2007 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency SNS運用方針 | サイトポリシー・利用規約