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Mission outline

Mission outline Flight plan ISS construction status

Mission outline
Diagram showing how the Space Shuttle will dock ISS
STS-92 is a Space Shuttle mission of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). It will assemble the International Space Station (ISS) and is called assembly flight 3A. During the mission, ISS components called the Z1 truss and PMA-3 will be attached to the ISS under construction in space.

The Z1 truss is a frame structure that will be launched by a Space Shuttle. An ISS communications system and an attitude control system are installed on it. An on orbit DC-to-DC Converter Unit (DDCU) and an EVA Tool Stowage Device (ETSD) will also be attached to Z1 by an EVA. PMA-3 will be utilized as a docking port to dock Shuttles to the ISS.

The Z1 truss and the PMA-3 will be attached to Unity* as shown below.

After the Space Shuttle is docked to the ISS, Japanese astronaut Wakata will manipulate the robot arm to mate the Z1 truss and the PMA-3 to the ISS. Four EVAs are being planed for this flight.

*: Unity was launched on STS-88 mission and connected to Zarya module. For STS-88 and Unity click here.

ISS configuration before and after the mission are shown below.

Before STS-92 mission
After STS-92 mission

Flight plan (as of October 25, 2000)
Launch date and time October 11, 2000, 7:17 p.m.(EDT)
Launch window 5min
Launch site Kennedy Space Center (KSC), Florida pad 39A
Flight duration 12 days, 21 hours and 43 minutes
Crew / Work shift Seven crew members / One shift operation
Orbiter Discovery (28th flight)
Orbit altitude
Insertion altitude : 327km
(177 nautical miles)
Rendezvous altitude
with the ISS
: 379km
(205 nautical miles)
Inclination 51.6 degrees
Landing date and time October 24, 2000, 2:00p.m.(PDT)
Landing site Edwards Air Force Base
Payload Cargo bay
1) ISS 3A assembly parts
(Z1 truss (including CMG*1, S/Ku antenna, CBM*2), PMA-3, DDCU*3, ETSD*4)
2) ICBC 3D*5
Note1. The official launch date will be announced at the Flight Readiness Review two weeks prior to the launch.

*1: CMG : Control Moment Gyro
*2: CBM : Common Berthing Mechanism
*3: DDCU : DC to DC Converter Unit
*4: ETSD : EVA Tool Stowage Device
*5: ICBC 3D : IMAX Cargo Bay Camera 3 Dimension

ISS construction status
Mission Launch date Payloads
2A.2b September 8, 2000 Logistics
1P August 7, 2000 Soyuz
1R July 12, 2000 Zvezda
May 19, 2000 Logistics
May 27, 1999 Logistics
Dec. 4, 1998 Unity, PMA-1,2
1A/R Nov. 20, 1998 Zarya

Last Updated : October 25, 2000

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