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Prof. T. Djamaluddin, head of LAPAN, speaking at the opening ceremony
Celebrating the World Space Week 2016, Space Science Center-LAPAN conducted an event called "Festival Sains Antariksa 2016" on 8 October 2016 at the Space Science Center-LAPAN office in Bandung, Jawa Barat. It is an annual event to celebrate the World Space Week, and also to introduce and promote space science and technology awareness among students and the general public.
Past event: JAXA astronaut Noguchi had talk session at Festival Sains Antariksa 2015
In his opening ceremony speech, Prof. T. Djamaluddin, the head of LAPAN, encouraged the audience and especially students to actively participate in any opportunity that could increase their knowledge and experience, both in nationally and internationally, such as the Try Zero-G event.
As the Festival was open to the public, hundreds of people including students, teachers and members of the general public came to LAPAN. Activities at the event included public speaking, storytelling, educational games and quizzes, as well as exhibitions.
The public speaking activity involved four speakers. The first speakers were Rhorom Priyatikantho, M.Si, and Ingrid Dewi Rucita Saragih, who discussed microgravity and Try Zero-G (Asian Try Zero-G 2016), followed by Dr. M. Rokhis Khomarudin, head of the Remote Sensing Applications Center-LAPAN, who talked about "Remote sensing: enabling our future," which was the theme of this year's World Space Week, and ending with Mr. Rizman A. Nugroho, who spoke about his experience undergoing astronaut candidate training at NASA.
Educational games and quizzes based on the theme of space science and technology were also held, so the students could learn about space science and technology in a more fun way.
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