ISS Astronauts Activity Report, June
2001 |
NASDA's ISS astronauts Furukawa and Hoshide supported the system test of
the Japanese Experiment Module "Kibo" Pressurized Module and
astronaut candidate (ASCAN) Sumino took her third flight lesson.
This is their June training activity report.
Japanese Experiment Module Kibo system test |
Astronauts Furukawa and Hoshide supported the system test of the Japanese
Experiment Module "Kibo" Pressurized Module conducted at Tobishima
factory of Mitsubishi Heavy Industry (MHI) Nagoya Aerospace Systems.
This system test was conducted to verify Kibo's functionality and performance.
Supporting various tests will enhance the astronauts' understanding of
the "Kibo" flight hardware which will become their work place
in space. They also intend to contribute to the development of Kibo from
an operators' viewpoint with some knowledge of JEM operation, training,
and other ISS system.

Astronaut Hoshide checking test procedures. |

Astronaut Furukawa and Hoshide monitoring an on-going test
inside Kibo. |

Astronaut Furukawa checking test procedures while monitoring
data on a
display. |
Flight Training |
NASDA ASCAN Sumino received her third flight lesson using a small aircraft
(Cessna172) in Houston, Texas, following the lesson she received in March.
This training was intended to improve multi-task ability, radio communication
ability in English, situation awareness and decision making ability under
stressed conditions, which are necessary for astronauts.
This time, Instrument Flight Rule (IFR) traininig was conducted without
looking outside view of the window. It is especially effective to improve
multi-task skills.
The Japanese ISS astronauts' July activity report will be issued
in the middle of August.
Last Updated: August 22, 2001