1) Treatment of submissions
- Applicants give all rights in the poems (including all rights included in Articles 27 and 28 of the Copyright Law of Japan) without condition to the organizers.
- Applicants agree not to claim personal rights of the creator to the submissions.
- The organizers shall have the right to exclusive use of the winning submissions.
- The organizers shall have the right to use submitted works as necessary for the purpose of introducing this project and for records, space use, advertising, and space education, through TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, etc.
- Applicants give permission to the organizers to edit and translate the submissions.
- Any violation of the rules for submission will result in disqualification, even if the submission has already been selected for use.
2)Responsibilities of applicants and exemption of responsibility of the organizers
- All submissions must be previously unpublished work created by the applicant.
- Applicants shall not submit work for which copyrights are owned by a third party. Applicants must guarantee that the submissions do not violate any copyrights or other legal rights. If any legal problem arises with regard to a submitted work, the problem shall be resolved at the responsibility and expenses of the applicant.
- The organizers will make every effort to treat the submissions carefully, but will not bear responsibility if any accident occurs.
3)Personal information
- The personal information provided in the application shall be only used for notification and announcement of the selection results and events relating to the activities.
4)Settlement of disputes
- Any dispute arising relative to this application or contract shall be under the jurisdiction of Tokyo District Court for the first trial.
Contact information:
The Space Poem Chain Compiling Committee
Secretariat (c/o Art Front Gallery Co., Ltd.)
Tel: +81-(0)3-3476-4868