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Endeavour (STS-89) Landed Kennedy Space Center at 4:35p.m on Jan. 31(CST).

Status Report Space Radiation Environment Measurement Program
STS-89 Mission

Status Report
Flight Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10

Flight Day 10 (January 31 CST)
Shuttle landing at the KSC

- Shuttle Status-

After nine days of flight, at 6:28 a.m. Feb.1 JST Space Shuttle Endeavor performed deorbit maneuver and landed at Kennedy Space Center at 4:35 p.m. Jan.31 CST (7:35 a.m. Feb. 1 JST). During 8 days 19 hours and 48 minutes flight Endeavor went around the earth 139 times. Astronaut David A. Wolf who has returned from MIR spent 128 days in space.

Unofficial landing times are as follows:
  CST ‚l‚d‚s
January 31, 1998,
4:35:09 p.m.
8 days, 19 hours,
46 minutes, 54 seconds
January 31, 1998,
4:35:21 p.m.
8 days, 19 hours,
47 minutes, 06seconds
Wheelstop: January 31, 1998,
4:36:19 p.m.
8 days, 19 hours,
48 minutes, 04 seconds

-Tasks after landing-

At 2:10 a.m. Feb.1 EST, RRMD flight samples (five dosimeters and samples in bio-specimen box) those were on board the Endeavor's Spacehab module ware delivered from SPACEHAB inc. to NASDA.
RRMD-DU(Detector Unit) and DRU(Data Recorder Unit) tapes are slated to be delivered to NASDA in the morning Feb.2.

Flight Day 9 (January 30 CST)
Russia's crew has relaxed

- Space Radiation Environment Measurement Program status-

At MET 7/21:39 dosimeter was stored and finished the radiation environment exposure. At MET 7/21:58 (at about 9:00 a.m. Jan. 31 JST) RRMD measurement was finished and equipment was terminated.
By this equipment termination all of the NASDA experiments were finished.

- Shuttle Status-

Devices and equipment ware checked out in order to prepare for deorbit.

Flight Day 8 (January 29 CST)
Mir complex photo taken
from Shuttle

- Space Radiation Environment Measurement Program status-

At about MET 7/6:00 after data recorded for one minute while Shuttle was passing the SAA(South Atlantic Anomaly) the Payload Operation Control Center (POCC) terminal indicated that Data Recorder Unit (DRU) has stopped data recording.
In order to solve this problem DRU was reset at MET 7/12:01 which disabled data recording for three minutes until the device was started up. From this point on recording is normal and no problem being found through Shuttle orbits to follow.

- Shuttle Status-

Shuttle flight being in good condition. Endeavour separated from the MIR at10:57 a.m. CST. After Shuttle flew around MIR and took pictures of outside of MIR, Shuttle performed orbital maneuver to keep distance from MIR.
24 minutes before Shuttle was separated from MIR, Soyuz TM-27 was launched, which MIR's two new crew members and French research were on board.

Flight Day 7 (January 28 CST)

Mir crew saying their
farewells to the Shuttle crew
- Space Radiation Environment Measurement Program status-

The Space Radiation Environment Measurement experiment is being processed in good condition.
Mr. Hirano's sample (3-7D)was stored in the refrigerator for devitalization.

- Shuttle Status-

Shuttle flight being in good condition. All of the items transfer between Shuttle and MIR have been completed. The hatches were closed between two spacecraft at 4:34 p.m. CST.
David A.Wolf who spent 119 days aboard MIR will return to the earth by the Shuttle and Andrew S.Thomas takes place of him. He is going to stay at MIR about four month from now on.

Flight Day 6 (January 27 CST)
Mir/Earth view over Pacific

- Space Radiation Environment Measurement Program status-

The Space Radiation Environment Measurement experiment is being processed in good condition.
Communication error that had been detected between the RRMD and the recording unit has now been recovered.
Mr. Hirano's sample 3-7D now being incubated.
Mr. Ohnishi's experiment using dosimeter sample is also being continued.

- Shuttle Status-
Interviews with Cable News Network and Russian news media have been performed.

Flight Day 5 (January 26 CST)

- Space Radiation Environment Measurement Program status-@

Experiments have been processed in good condition. The Bonner Ball Neutron Detector (BBND) experiment has been finished. RRMD measurement experiment was started at MET 4/12:59.
RRMD measures and records the cosmic radiation in real time. RRMD is operating in good condition. Mr. Hirano's 2-5D sample was stored in the refrigerator at MET 4/20:53.

- Shuttle Status-

Shuttle flight being in good condition. Resupply and experiment equipment transfers have now passed the half way point. By the end of flight day 5 ,60% of all planned transfers had been completed.
Shuttle while it isdocked
with the Mir
Shuttle/Mir crew

Flight Day 4 (January 25 CST)
Thomas was checked out
in Wolf's suit

- Space Radiation Environment Measurement Program status-

Space Radiation Environment Measurement being performed on schedule.
Mr. Ohnishi's long term sample was devitalized at MET 3/19:55. Also BBND data have been received in good condition.

- Shuttle Status-

Two days passed after docked with MIR and Shuttle is in normal condition.
STS-89 flight crew is busy transferring hardware and supplies to and from MIR.

Flight Day 3 (January 24 CST)
Endeavour crew to meet
with MIR crew

- Space Radiation Environment Measurement Program status-

RRMD experiment is performing on schedule.
Mr. Ohnishi's short term experiment being finished.
Mr. Hirano's experiment sample which revitalization had been started for at flight day(FD)2 was stored in the refrigerator at 5:36pm Jan. 25 CST (7:36am Jan.26 JST).
BBND data have been received as had been scheduled.

-Shuttle status-

Shuttle has docked with MIR at Jan 24 14:14 CST. At 16:25 CST hatch was opened and Endeavor crew and MIR crew met with each other.

Flight Day 2 (January 23 CST)
Shuttle aproaches Mir

- Space Radiation Environment Measurement Program status-

Due to the mulfunction of VOA (Volatile Organic Analyzer) which is one of NASA's experiments, RRMD setup and activation had been delayed. At MET 0/21:16 power was turned on and neutron measurement by BBND started at MET 0/21:36.
Mr. Hirano's test material revitalization has started at MET 0/19:53 (JST 1/24 9:30am).
Revitalization of Mr. Ohnishi's experiment sample had been started at MET 0/20:10.

-Shuttle status-

Endeavour is now preparing for tomorrow's rendezvous and docking.

Flight Day 1 (January 22 CST)
Launch of Endeavour

NASA launched space shuttle Endeavor (STS-89) at 9:48 p.m. Jan 22, 1998(EST) (11:48 am Jan 23, 1998(JST)) from Kennedy Space Center.
STS-89 mission is the 8th shuttle /Mir mission whose purpose is risk mitigation of the International Space Station(ISS) assembly and operations. On this shuttle flight, Endeavor flies the scheduled orbit of the ISS.
On this mission, National Space Development Agency of Japan(NASDA) will conduct the space radiation environment measurement experiment consists of Real time Radiation Monitoring Device(RRMD) and Bonner Ball Neutron Detector(BBND). The planed start time of these experiments are as follows.

-RRMD experiment start: 9:58 am on Jan 27 (EST)
11:58 pm on Jan 27 (JST)
-BBND experiment start: 4:33 pm on Jan 23 (EST)
6:33 am on Jan 24 (JST)
RRMD setup and activation time has been changed from MET 0/17:30 to 0/17:45, however all tasks will be performed as had been scheduled.
Shuttle flight is normal. Crew taking first day sleep(Jan. 23 2:00am through 10:00am CST).


  CST   Central Standard Time
RRMD   Real time Radiation Monitoring
MET   Mission Elapsed Time
VOA   Volatile Organic Analyzer
BBND   Bonner Ball Neutron Detector
PI   Principal Investigator
EST   East Standard Time

Status Report
Space Radiation Environment Measurement Program
STS-89 Mission

Last Updated : February 18, 1998

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