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Outline of Kibo operations system

Configuration of Kibo operations system
Image of the system
Development schedule and status


After Kibo is launched, Japanese experiments will start in space. The total operation of the International Space Station (ISS) will be conducted from the Space Station Control Center (SSCC) located in NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas. Each country or organization is responsible for operating its own elements. Kibo system operations and experiments conducted inside Kibo will be controlled from the Mission Control Room in the Space Station Operations Facility in Tsukuba Space Center, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan.

The Kibo operations system is being developed to perform several functions, such as operations planning, operations control, astronaut training, operations technical support, logistics operations management, and an operations network to communicate with the US center.

Configuration of Kibo operations system

The Kibo operations system is composed of the seven systems below.
  1. Strategic and Tactical Planning System
    The operations planning system generates two types of ISS operations and utilization planning, long term and detailed planning. Distribution of ISS resources such as power, communications, and crew resources to be negotiated among participating countries will be planned with this system.
  2. Kibo Operations Control System
    The operations control system supports monitoring and controlling Kibo systems and onboard Kibo experiment devices. It also supports planning real-time operations, and archives related data and can train the ground support personnel for this system.
  3. Engineering Support System
    The Engineering Support System consists of four subsystems.

    • Element integration system: This system ensures the operability, security, and physical compatibility of Kibo and onboard Kibo experiment devices.
    • Flight software/Operations data file (ODF) building system: This system generates, verifies and maintains Flight Software and the ODF. ODF holds Kibo's operations procedures.
    • Engineering simulator: This system simulates the Kibo equipment electrically and mechanically to support generating procedures to be used when Kibo equipment fails.
    • Kibo underwater mockup: Using a full-scale mockup of Kibo, in weightless environment facility; Kibo operation procedures will be verified here.
  4. Logistics and Maintenance Operations Management System
    This system manages ORU parts exchange or consumables supply data needed to maintain Kibo functions, and manages the Kibo repair history to ensure crew safety.
  5. Crew Operations Training System
    This system trains astronauts to provide them with the necessary knowledge, skill, and operations procedures, so that they can safely operate Kibo.
  6. Operations Data Network System
    The operations network communicates Kibo operations data between Japan (Tsukuba Space Center) and the US (NASA Johnson Space Center).
  7. KSC Ground Processing Equipment System
    At NASA Kennedy Space Center, the Space Shuttle launch site, this system supports site operations for Kibo launch or supply.

Image of the system

Development schedule and status
Launch in 2006 and 2007
The detailed design of the total Kibo operations system has been completed. The operations control system and astronaut training system are being developed. International discussions about transportation by H-2B/HTV are under way.

Last Updated : May. 2, 2007

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