JAXA Astronaut Activity Report, 2004
- Mission Specialist Astronaut Candidate Training
- Astronauts Furukawa, Hoshide, and Yamazaki were interviewed a half year into the Mission Specialist Astronaut Training Course.
- EVA Validation Test for EVA for Assembly of the Japanese Experiment Module - "Kibo" assembly to the ISS
- Mission Specialist Astronaut Candidate Training
- Space Shuttle System Training
- On-site training at the NASA facilities
- The 59th JCI World Congress in Fukuoka
- A Teleconference Session: A conversation with Soichi Noguchi, the astronaut
who was raised near the Sea of Chigasaki
- Lecture at Austin Japanese School
- Mission Specialist Astronaut Candidate Training
- T-38 flight training
- Training in a zero-gravity environment aboard a KC-135 aircraft.
- On-site training at NASA facilities
- Canadarm2 (Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS)) Operation Support
- Astronaut Doi and Astronaut Wakata Awarded the GEM (Go the Extra Mile)
- Giving a Lecture in China on the "Current Status of Japanese Manned Space Flight and Future Expectations"
- Mission Specialist Astronaut Candidate Training
- T-38 flight training
- On-site training at the NASA facilities
- The second meeting of Japan-China Committee for New Friendship in the 21st Century
- The second JAXA town meeting
- Astronaut Noguchi temporarily returns to Japan before boarding Space Shuttle.
- Mission Specialist Astronaut Candidate Training
- Orientation
- Land Survival Training
- Induction Ceremony of Takasaki High School and Takasaki Girls High School and Astronaut Doi's Lecture at NASA
- Mission Specialist Astronaut Candidate Training
- T-34C aircraft Flight Training
- Astronaut Mukai's Tenth Anniversary Commemorative Event "Space Classroom and Lecture for Children"
- Mission Specialist Astronaut Candidate Training
- Water Survival Training
- T-34C aircraft Flight Training
- Refresher Training
- Giving a Lecture at the 24th Conference of the Japanese Society for Bone Morphometry. "Actual Manned Space Flight and Its Future"
- Giving a Memorial Lecture on the 50th Anniversary of Hodaka Town "Towards a Future Dream"
- Soyuz Training
- Canadarm2 Training
- First JAXA Town Meeting
- Talk Show at the International Symposium on Space Technology and Science (ISTS)
Last Updated: Feb. 16, 2005