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NASDA Daily Report
Oct. 7 TCDT (Terminal Count Down Test) 2nd day

From 8:20 a.m. M1-13 training was held. This event involved the crew being trained in a small armored personnel carrier. The tracked vehicle could be used by the crew in the event of an emergency at the pad during which the crew must make a quick exit from the area. This exercise is standard for all flight crews and their support personnel who would be on the pad surface with them prior to launch. The event was conducted near the launch pad. The crew drove the vehicle in the sequence of Commander, MS2, MS1,Pilot, MS3, PS1 and PS2. When Astronaut Mukai was asked about the training she answered " We are enjoying the training."

See the video library to watch M113 training.

Last Updated: May 26,2003


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