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Profile of Astronaut Mukai

Chiaki Mukai (M.D. , Ph.D)
Astronaut, Astronaut Office,
Space Utilization Promotion Department,
Office of Space Utilization Systems,
National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA)
May 1952 Born in Tatebayashi City, Gumma Prefecture
March 1977 Graduated from the School of Medicine, Keio University
May 1977 to
April 1979
Residency at Keio University Hospital
July 1983 to
October 1985
Assistant at the Medical Department of the Keio University Hospital
August 1985 Selected by NASDA as Payload Specialist (PS) for the First Material Experiment (FUWATTO'92, NASA mission name "SPACE LAB-J") with Mamoru Mohri and Takao Doi
November 1985 Joined NASDA
July 1988 Received a Doctorate in Medicine from Keio University, specializing in cardiovascular surgery
June 1987 to December 1988 Conducted research activities at the Space Biomedical Research Laboratorie of NASA Johnson Space Center
April 1990 Named as a alternate PS for "FUWATTO'92", conducted training at NASA facilities
September 12 to 20, 1992 Performed ground support for "FUWATTO'92" (STS-47) as alternate PS at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
October 1992 Assigned as PS for the Second International Microgravity Laboratory (IML-2)
July 8 to 23, 1994 Boarded the Space Shuttle to performed various kinds of experiments in orbit as PS of the IML-2 mission (STS-65), becoming the first female Japanese astronaut
April 1997 Assigned as prime PS for the STS-95 mission
April 1998 Conducted ground support of STS-90 as alternate PS
October 1998 Scheduled to board the Shuttle for the second time on STS-95 as PS

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