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Mercury Project

Initiated in 1958, completed in 1963, Project Mercury was the United States' first man-in-space program.The objectives of the program, which made six manned flights from 1961 to 1963, were specific:

Subject of Mercury.
  • To orbit a manned spacecraft around the Earth;
  • To investigate man's ability to function in space;
  • To recover both man and spacecraft safely.

Launch of mercury spacecraft

Astronaut John Grenn entering Mercury spacecraft

Comparison between the Mercury Project and Space Shuttle Project

Mercury Project Space Shuttle Project (STS-95)
Space transportation Mercury Atlas Space Shuttle
Number of orbits around the Earth 3 144 planned
Flight duration 4 hours, 55 minutes, and 23 seconds scheduled for 8 days, 22 hours, and 4 minutes
Maximum acceleration of gravity approx. 8 G approx. 3 G
Landing site Atlantic Ocean, about 1300 km Southeast of Bermuda Islands, by parachute Florida
NASA Kennedy Space Center Landing Facility (ranway)
Weight approx. 1,928 kg (space ship) 69,680 kg (orbiter)
Maximum number of crew 1 7
Living space 1.02 m3 9.40 m3 (per person)
Cabin Pressure 4.9 psi (Corresponding to 8,200m above sea level) 14.7 psi (Corresponding to 0m above sea level)
Intraship air composition 100% oxygen Oxygen 21% + nitrogen 79% (similar to the composition of atmospheric air on the Earth)

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