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ASCAN Basic Training Report, September 2000

@This is the September training primary activity report of NASDA's astronaut candidates (ASCANs).

Kibo Japanese Experiment Module Operations Training
To learn how to operate Kibo, astronaut candidates received training at Tsukuba Space Center using the Kibo Pressurized Module Trainer (PMT), and "Kibo" System Trainer. The PMT is a fullsize mockup training facility developed to teach the layout of the module's interior. It is equipped with pipes, valves, fire extinguishers, communication system etc., which are all designed very similar to the actual flight hardware. Through this training, the ASCANs learned the basic structure of the interior, as well as the location of the valves, pipes etc. They also received training using "Kibo" System Trainer which simulates the lap-top computer that will be used inside Kibo. The lap-top computers, called the JEM System Laptop, will be used to control Kibo's system equipment and to monitor health and status data.
The ASCANs learned how to operate Kibo and how the error message will be displayed in case of malfunctions.
Kibo pressurized module trainer(PMT)
Inside of the Kibo pressurized module trainer(PMT)

Media Training
The ASCANs learned how to effectively express themselves during their public relation activities such as press conference, interviews, speeches, and writing articles, as astronauts.


The next training report will be issued in mid November.

Last updated: October 16, 2000

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